Friday 15 July 2011

July 15 - Last Posting (Final Class)

Wow, what a blast. I have learned so much about technology and what I can offer as an educator to my students. I recognize it does take time in the beginning to prepare all this technology use, but once it has been created, the possibilities and lessons are endless.Thanks so much to Jean for an exciting and effective class. I have learned so much!

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Thursday 14 July 2011

July 14 - Ninth Posting

I managed to finish my final project today. My final project consisted of a video introduction to an English language lesson. It was followed by an instruction page and then activities that support the learning of this particular outcome(s)/lesson. I also embedded a video I created with my classmates on the lesson. To end, I added a cultural corner which consisted of videos to further support the lesson, funny clips of learning English and a short song illustrating the cultural in which students will be learning this lesson (Canada). I am super excited to share this project with other educators because it is accessible anywhere in the world. I feel this is the new wave of learning and where education is headed. Thanks Jean for showing us all of these cool techy stuff!!! I love it!!!

July 13 - Eighth Posting

We explored the forum and language lab usage via Moodle today. It takes time to set up, but I see a very useful and valuable purpose. Everything once thought of having to be done in the classroom can now be done virtually. What a concept!!! It's brilliant! This will allow students of all ages to become more independent learners, but at the same time allows for collaborative learning to happen when needed. Using technology in this way will allow for differentiation under the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model. Each student can enter at his or her own level and complete activities at his or her rate. This will allow the instructor to be a facilitator and be freed up to help individual students specifically.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

TPACK Lesson

Budgeting (Grade 11)

TPACK Lesson (Complete Document)

Flip Snack TPACK Lesson

Introduction: Grade 11 students will apply mathematical skills and logical reasoning to a real world situation.They will use problem solving skills in math to financially plan around living on their own.
They will use the content vocabulary learned in class as well as arithmetic skills in coordination with the use of technology to present their findings.

Program of Studies Outcomes:
Applied Math. G.O. 20.4: Solve consumer problems, using arithmetic operations
S.O. 20.4.3. : Solve budget problems, using graphs and tables to communicate solutions.

Lesson Objectives: Students will be able to
• To explain the terms budget, income and expenditures
• To describe the characteristics of a balanced budget
• To explain when we have a surplus or a deficit

Activities and technology used:



1.       The terms budget, income,

Google: search for the keywords
IMovie : create a lesson
And then
Wallwisher : ask and answer questions

2.       “Living on your own” : group of 2-3 students
a.      discuss and write down the reason they would live on their own and the budget they would have as grade 11 students

b.      Basic needs: rent, car, food & clothing, entertainment (do not forget about the gas): be realistic!

c.       Results and conclusions

Google docs

Google: choose 3 rental offers, 3 car loans offers, average costs of entertainment/ year
Google search and/or flyers: basic food/day, month, year
Jing, Google spreadsheets: gather data and calculations

Jing, Prezy (or your choice)






Tuesday 12 July 2011

July 12 - Seventh Posting

We finished our video today. I am very impressed at the little edit functions (such as add sound, trim audio and visual clips, add transitions, etc) we used to enhance our lesson. I can see creating these lessons for my students with fellow teachers, as well as teach my students how to create videos for others.        The videos I can get my students to create can range in topic and subject area. The possibilities are endless!!! The best way to learn is to be able to teach it to others. I have a hunch that learners of all ages will love working with this tool and once they have created one video, they can explore and expand their knowledge and application with this really cool tool. They could even use it outside of class in their daily lives as well. Example, create a wedding video, Do It Yourself video, etc. In additon, Smartboard technolgy and clickers are very useful tools to meet the needs of 21st century learners. Both these tools are highly interactive and engaging.

July 12 - Video (Learning New Words with Different Meanings)

Flip Snack version of our video (in the form of a book):

Monday 11 July 2011

July 11 - Sixth Posting

We worked on a very cool Apple/Mac software called IMovie in today's class. I am in awe of the capabilities of what this tool can be used for in terms of teaching a second language. In groups of 3, my partners and I created an English vocabulary lesson we could teach our second language learners. We added voice over, sounds, images and video. I believe with this tool, educators will meet the needs of visual and auditory learners in a more comprehensive way. The success rate will be much higher as learners can learn new vocabulary at their own rate as well be able to be provided with so many visuals which enhances learning.